# Welcome to the Map of Transformation 🗺️
This is the home page of the map, which is designed to help you navigate around the site.
Think of it as a table of contents that points to important pages. If you ever get lost, you can always find your way back to the starting point. There will be a link in the sidebar at the top called *Home*.
It's also a great place to start your journey of transformation, because no matter where you are in life, you'll find something on this page of interest, leading to insight and wisdom.
## About the Map
The purpose of this site is to be a living guide of personal transformation. But instead of forcing you down a single path, you'll get to choose a journey that best suits your current situation and stage of growth.
When I first started my journey of personal transformation, it was like I was navigating through a dark forest with a broken flashlight. Sometimes it would light up, allowing me to see only one step in front of me. I would take one step but then have to many more steps in complete darkness. Sometime those uncertain steps led to somewhere helpful, but other times, they would lead to more doubt and confusion.
- To learn more about this site, you read the [[About|about]] page
- To learn more about the creator of this site, read [[My Story|my story]]